
Join us at Oliver Doran Studios for a unique photographic journey. I’m Oliver Doran, and I’m excited to introduce “Generations” – a project dedicated to capturing family stories and your legacy. From my time in the Middle East to my boutique studio in Jersey, I’ve focused on bringing life’s milestones into the spotlight. Now, I’m turning the lens to the bonds that define us: our families.

40-Over-40 Portrait Experience

This exhibition is a celebration of women of strength and beauty, showcasing their remarkable stories and unique personalities.

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Named after my grandad, Marshall Pictures is an online art store specialising in unique, limited edition art. Each piece is a tribute to animal conservation, with every purchase contributing to charity, blending the beauty of art with the heart of philanthropy.

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I see Portrait Magazine as a milestone in my career. Moving back from Dubai, I view this as a celebration of my favourite photos taken over a decade living in the cosmopolitan city of Dubai, where I worked as a commercial photographer for top businesses.

The Art of Enterprise

In December 2023, we had a cracking time at “The Art of Enterprise” exhibition here in Jersey. It was all about celebrating our local business heroes – 50 of them, to be exact!

Shoot Jersey 2020

Back to my Portrait Studio in Jersey after a decade living as a commercial photographer and production manager in the Middle East.

Focusing on what I love best, people. Capturing their milestone, immortalising their faces.

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